
Hauser Private Equity Is Proud to Announce That Nine of Its Fund Managers Made the Inc. “Top Founder-Friendly Investors” List for 2021

A private equity fund manager and co-investor with offices in Cincinnati, Chicago, and Los Angeles, Hauser Private Equity has a well-established history of company founder and entrepreneur support. This firm has demonstrated a clear history of going above and beyond mere capital funding by offering key administrative guidance to its carefully cultivated portfolio of middle and lower-middle market business investment partners.

To further these efforts, Hauser Private Equity contracts with a variety of limited partners who have high levels of expertise in a broad spectrum of industries and business sectors. Drawing upon their specific areas of experience, these limited partners assist Hauser Private Equity in defining viable investment opportunities, spearheading portfolio company growth, and optimizing overall revenue generation.

The Hauser Private Equity operational model has a proven track record of success with portfolio venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms such as Revelstoke Capital Partners and Shore Capital Partners. As a testament to this successful track record, Revelstoke and Shore Capital joined seven other Hauser Private Equity-affiliated firms on this year’s “Top Founder-Friendly Investors” list by the trusted business media authority Inc.

On an annual basis, Inc. ranks the leading VC and PE firms in the United States based on the criteria of “founder-friendliness.” To accomplish this, Inc. officials interact directly with company founders and entrepreneurs across the country to identify investment firms that have provided them with exceptional service and support.

In addition to Revelstoke and Shore Capital, the Hauser-affiliated fund managers Clearlake Capital, New Mainstream Capital, Guardian Capital Partners, Revolution, North Castle Partners, Palladium Equity Partners, and ZMC Zelnick Media Capital all made the Inc. “Top Founder-Friendly Investors” list for 2021. Hauser Private Equity’s outsized presence on this list comes as little surprise to the organization’s managing partner Mark Hauser.

“These fund managers emphasize the importance of operational expertise to value creation, and partner with key leaders focused on long-term partnerships and flexible solutions to growth,” says Mark Hauser. Simply put, this unique and concerted focus places Hauser Private Equity in the perfect position to excel in terms of “Top Founder-Friendly Investors” placement.

When reached for comment about Revelstoke Capital Partners’ ranking on the 2021 “Top Founder-Friendly Investors” list, the firm’s co-founder and managing partner Simon Bachleda answered, “We are very excited to be recognized as one of the most founder-friendly investors by Inc. Magazine. Throughout our history, we have focused on building a reputation and a private equity investment model that resonates with founder-led businesses. From the Cincinnati Eye Institute to Beacon Orthopedics, Hauser Private Equity has invested with Revelstoke in numerous business ventures.

Simon Bachleda’s fellow Hauser-affiliated company leader Justin Ishbia expressed similar gratitude and assurance. “We are honored to be recognized as a founder-friendly investor again by Inc.,” he said. “It is a proof point that we are delivering on our vision to be the first choice for founders and executives seeking a partner for growth.”

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